Monday, January 11, 2010

Back to School is not cool!

Hey, I am back from my virtual vacation. Last couple of months I spent a lot of time surfing the net and reading weblogs and writing, so I thought a couple of weeks without any internet activity would be good for me. Therefore I gave myself a break and even checked my email only once every four days or so. So good, so relaxing!
Now, Happy (belated) New Year everyone, and let’s talk about resolutions!
As I said before I’m going to add illustrations and I’m aiming for at least one per week.
Also, I did a little closet-cleaning last weekend and found out that I have a huge number of winter skirts that have not been worn for two years or so. Now you all remember my wearing dresses this Fall. I admit putting on a dress is much easier than putting together an outfit around skirts. But should I throw away all my skirts because I haven’t worn them in two years? Nauh! Not my style! What I do is: Challenging myself to wear skirts for the next two and half months at least 5 times a week! To make things easier I pick a skirt per week and put together five main outfits and five alternative outfits for five schooldays.
Another resolution is about Belts. I own a lot of belts and I love them. I also admire those outfits with belted jackets or cardigans. So my new outfits are going to have belts on them a lot!
The other new change will be having color analyses on the side as soon as I can figure out a way to add it to photos!
I have a few more ideas for this weblog which will be revealed in good time.
Keep tuned!

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