Thursday, November 25, 2010

Being Thankful

This year I am thankful for:

-my health

-my tolerant and patient husband

-my wonderful and supportive family and the chance to visit them this year

-my friends who always host Thanks Giving dinners and haven’t let me roast a turkey in all these years!

-U.C.C. and Dr. Jeannie

-my wonderfully supportive advisor

-Shopping Gods for some unique finds

-Blockbuster and Netflix for providing much needed distraction at the click of a mouse

-Dark chocolate, macaroons, cream puffs, cupcakes, white chocolate cookies and Walker’s shortbread butter cookies for helping me deal with stress!

-my cats for being wonderfully hug-able



Yes, yes, thank you all! Without you this year would have been very hard to get through!

-Ooh, and a wonderful outfit for letting me eat as much turkey as I could!

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