Thursday, December 29, 2011


I’ve not made New Year Resolutions for the past three years, the reason being they were building up and nothing was ever done! This year however, I’m thinking of setting some goals -and yes they are goals not resolutions- since I am usually very good at achieving my goals.

1-Treat myself better. My aunt always says: “treat yourself well and others will treat you well!” Regardless of what others are going to do, literally I will start to treat myself better this year.

2-Start using my “Good Stuff”. Why am I saving my quality stuff and for when? What’s the point of having nice things if you are not using them?

3-Invest in quality stuff. I have enough fillers.

4-Relax before I go crazy, have a nervous breakdown or a stroke.

5-Learn something new.

Yeah, that’s it! Just five, a good manageable number, keeping my fingers crossed!

Best wishes for you and your resolutions in this New Year!

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