…need a little pick-me-up too?
Things have been crazy these days. I had to attend a training course bright and early Tuesday morning. I was out of the door by 7:00am (a record for me, really) and in the class by 8:00, settling into my chair and computer station when the signup sheet reached me and… my name wasn’t on the list. I had to leave the class, wait an hour until office personnel get to their desks to get answers. Then had to schlep around for half day in a hot weather in the clothes I had picked for attending a lab session. Yeah, that meant long-sleeved cardigan and jeans and sneakers. Sneakers, Ugh! It was suffocating!

I don’t hate my Pumas, they are the most comfortable shoes to be worn for hours standing and working in the lab. But believe me, after their maiden voyage last year (to Notre Dame University) they hadn’t been worn!
At least I got to pump up my deflated shoe-ego by wearing 5 inch snake skin pumps to dinner!

I learned my lesson! For today’s classes I wore my tried and true (and comfortable) outfit and didn’t care one bit that we ended up in a chemistry lab doing experiments!

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